I remembered watching the movie "SPLIT" starring James Mcavoy, playing the role of a man who suffers from disassociative personality disorder. Living with 23 different personalities in him, he switches from one role to another in his daily lives, without a single awareness of it. One moment he was an abused little boy, another moment he was a renowned artistic designer and the next moment he turned into a psychopath abducting teenage girls.
It was entertaining to watch but it suddenly dawned on me that aren't we all living with not just one but multiple personalities too? At work, at home, with our friends, with our lover, with a stranger, our different behaviours pop out while at the core, we are still us.
The concept of 10 planetary archetypes in our birth chart explained this multi-personality phenomenon perfectly well.
Unlike most personality test who tends to box each of us up in a single "type", our birth chart uses a much more dynamic framework to accommodate our human complexities.
Before I go further, for those who are new to astrological birth charts, let me quickly run through the 10 traditional planets. They are mainly the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and finally, Pluto.
Bear in mind that the Sun and Moon, are of course not planets in astronomical terms, but in astrological readings, we have classified them under the planetary group.
There are many more planets and celestial objects in a birth chart but let's start with the most fundamental ones.
Each of the ten planets embodies a distinctive archetype reflecting some universal common traits. Here is a brief description for each planets.
Sun - an ego planet, carrying the vitality of life, it is always eager to express and fulfill the essence of self-identity and existential value
Moon - a feeling planet, everything is experienced and expressed through deep emotions
Mercury - a thinking planet, it embraces intellectual exploration, reasoning and conversations
Mars - an action planet, it is both assertive and aggressive, sparing no time-wasting for an action to be done
Venus - an affectionate planet, it appreciates the beauty and love of life, seeing everyone and everything with the desire to give love and receive love
Jupiter - a growth planet, it is all about expanding and developing, nothing comes into its path, its optimistic-zest is the engine to keep moving onward and upward
Saturn - an authoritative planet, it is all about discipline, structure, hardwork, lessons to be learned, boundaries to be drawn, with the ultimate aim to bring upon major transcendant
Uranus - a rebellious planet who seeks to be unique, creative and independent, holding on tightly to its own opinion, ideas, everything is to be done in its own way.
Neptune - a mystical planet as deep as the ocean, it is imaginative, illusive, swirling around in dark secrets and fantasies, it has the power to break through the concrete fortress of earthly life
Pluto - an explosive planet, it is all about going big or go home, It brings disruptions and endings, only for new beginnings to emerge and radical transformation to happen
With these short introduction, now imagine having one or many of them in a particular aspect of your life area - be it family, career, love relationship, health or wealth.
For example, if you have the rebellious planet Uranus located in House 7 (Marriage and Partnerships), you will either attract an eccentric partner who possesses a strong individualistic personality or you will experience a relatively unpredictable relationship. And now imagine you have the affectionate Venus in this same house instead of Uranus, you may experience more harmony and balance in your marriage.
Of course, this is an absolutely superficial way of interpreting a planet in a birth chart but for the purpose of basic learning, this is an easy way to get a hang of the planet's energy.
To find out what planet you have in your natal houses, you can generate your own birth chart using this free software https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online, make sure you have your birth date, time and location ready!